
Pain Relief

Customer value proposition development

How Do You Spell Relief?

This workshop is where your customer’s pain meets your pain relievers. Clearly define and understand your stakeholder’s problems and solve for them, creating value propositions that will resonate. Your team will leave this session with prioritized segments, completed value proposition canvases and hypotheses for testing with them.

Value Proposition Creation

Designed as a 1-2 day workshop, you’ll advance from concept to clear value props worth testing

Workshop Includes:

Segment identification and prioritization

Customer jobs, pains and desires

Pain Relievers, Prioritized

Benefits Delivered, Prioritized

Unique Selling Proposition, Defined

Value Proposition Creation

Workshop Includes:

Designed as a 1-2 day workshop, you’ll advance from concept to clear value props worth testing

Unique Selling Proposition, Defined

Benefits Delivered, Prioritized

Pain Relievers, Prioritized

Customer jobs, pains and desires

Segment identification and prioritization