
Business Model Development

Turn products into profits with a new or improved business model.

Desirability. Feasibility. Viability.

You have a product and have described it’s value, but will it be good for your business…or might it be a new business entirely? This workshop takes you through the creation of a business model canvas in which you describe your path to profit and develop hypotheses regarding the attractiveness of your opportunity.

Business Model Creation

Designed as a 1-2 day workshop, you’ll advance from value proposition to full-blown business model.

Workshop includes:

Segment identification and prioritization

Customer jobs, pains and desires

Pain Relievers, Prioritized

Benefits Delivered, Prioritized

Unique Selling Proposition, Defined

Business Model Creation

Designed as a 1-2 day workshop, you’ll advance from value proposition to full-blown business model.

Workshop includes:

Unique Selling Proposition, Defined

Benefits Delivered, Prioritized

Pain Relievers, Prioritized

Customer jobs, pains and desires

Segment identification and prioritization